The Sound of Alchemy: New Year, New YOU-th Playlist
For more playlists, check out Love, The Alchemist's YouTube Channel and Spotify Channel.
Photo via Google Images.
Get lost. Move to Paris. Head to a deserted island. Dip your toes in the water. It's only overwhelming if you forget to have fun.
Playlist Curator: The Alchemist
This Playlist's Vibe:
The only New Year's Resolution you should have is to be more of yourself. It's not an easy process. You have to take risks. You have to put some skin in the game. You have to get lost to 'be found.' All you can hope is that you lived life with the windows down and wind in your face. Go places you haven't been before. Be raw. Be honest with yourself. Glide into your 'golden zone' with this playlist. Don't let youth be wasted on the young. You're alive. You're alive.
When Should You Listen?
Listen to this playlist when you are out of your mind, lost, nostalgic, and in need of self-discovery. This playlist is meant to make you feel all the feels. Wash your emotions to the shore. Rewind your life. Take it back into your own hands, and take your time figuring out who you are in the world.