The Sound of Alchemy: Back2Life Playlist
For more playlists, check out Love, The Alchemist's YouTube Channel and Spotify Channel.
Photo via Vogue Archives.
Do you know what happens when the sunlight kisses your skin after a long, dark winter? Your cells start sparking, sparking, and waking up. The light travels through your muscle tissue, your organs, and glides into the cracks of your soul. The sun and the sounds bring you Back2Life (much like this playlist)...
Playlist Curator: The Alchemist
This Playlist's Vibe:
This playlist's vibe will have song lyrics rolling off of your tongue. It will get you slightly drunk on the good life—mixing edgy melodic hits with your guilty pleasures. It's a good mood on demand (ahem, hit play).
When Should You Listen?
Listen to this playlist when there are spring blossoms popping out of the trees, when the pollen count is high in the air, and when you're with a full glass of rose. This playlist is meant to make you play.