Feeling Forgetful? Try The Memory Diet
This article originally appeared on Yoganonymous.com
Photo via Vogue Australia
Did you realize how much the food you consume can positively affect your brain health?
Judi and Shari Zucker were so entrenched in the topic that they wrote an entire book on the way that food affects your mental, physical, psychological, and holistic health—and what they share may just blow your mind.
In this article published by The Huffington Post, the author shares that The Memory Diet was inspired by Judi and Shari Zucker's personal experience with dementia. When their mother was diagnosed with the cognitively deteriorating disease, they felt the ripples of major change that come with decreased brain functioning—and they knew they weren't alone in this experience.
Cognitive decline is on the rise, and that might be because of the lack of vitamins and minerals in our food supply. According to this press release, more than 16 million Americans suffer from cognitive impairement, and unfortunately this trend is continuing to grow.
"Could it be possible that dementia and Alzheimer’s are on the rise because our society is consuming unhealthy foods that are destroying our bodies?" Yes, and the best way to prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia are to consume nutrient dense, brain-food.
What are some examples of those foods, you ask? Folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12, according to a study published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. These vitamins and minerals work specifically to reverse and prevent Alzheimer's, and dementia—phew.
However, it's wrong to blame cognitive decline on diet alone. The makers of The Memory Diet state that it's equally important to focus on cultivating a healthy lifestyle. "It’s crucial for individuals to maintain a healthy diet and incorporate exercise into their daily regimen. Creating a healthy lifestyle, exercising, and eating right can help boost your memory, enhance your brain function and improve your overall health."
Stacey Chillemi, and advocate for The Memory Diet states that "a life filled with happiness, inner peace, good health and strong inner strength that can lead you to endless opportunities and the ability to use your brain to its ultimate capacity."